The following shall be considered while preparing the cost estimate of Transmission
System Project:
1. General Layout of Transmission System Project:
The following drawings shall be provided with the civil cost estimate of the
Transmission System Project:
The single line diagram of the Transmission Lines plotted on the map of India showing the different wind zones through which the
Line is passing.
The typical foundation drawings showing the type of foundations proposed to be used for transmission line towers in the
Transmission Line Project.
The arrangement of tie beams and pile caps in case of pile foundation proposed to be used in the river crossing towers or towers in the water logged area.
The general layout of the substation proposed to be considered.
The layout of control room building proposed to be constructed inside the sub-station area.
2. Technical Specification and Salient Features in brief:
The Technical Specification and Salient Features of the transmission system project in brief shall be given. The following information shall be appended with civil cost estimate of the transmission system project:
The design criteria followed in the design of the transmission line and sub-station civil works.
The terrain of the route of transmission line and site of the substation. (c)
The details of the river crossing to be encountered in the route of the transmission line.
Report of the survey and soil investigation conducted for the proposed transmission lines and sub station.
Type of tower configuration used and type of the conductor and earth wire used in the construction of transmission line.
The switchyard equipment to be used in the switchyard area.
3. Quantity Calculations:
The format for abstract of quantity of civil works of Transmission Lines