A Brief Proposal by John Campbell
The population of male inmates of state and federal correctional facilities is on the increase. Likewise substance abuse has consistently been linked to family dysfunction. Adolescents without supportive family structures are forced to develop role models from elsewhere. Although there has been substantial research done on the effects of incarceration and substance abuse on adolescents, singularly, little has been done on these factors as a pair. Current research has pointed out the relationship between identification of self within a culture and behavior. However a void is till in need of filling with information on how the absence of a father and victimization of being in a substance abusive family adversely manipulates identification of self on its own. Extensive research should be conducted on the specific psycho-social effects that incarceration and substance abuse, on the fathers behalf, has on the formation of identity in adolescents during their period of maturation into adulthood. Drug addiction and ‘doing time’ are many time synonymous with the culture of poverty. Research agrees that the development of positive cultural identity institutes stronger resistance to problem behaviors.( Belgrave,2000) .As a result, study in this area may prove beneficial to the deterrence of generational perpetuation of deviance behaviors. This research would be rooted in works from the likes of Elijah Anderson, and Larry Siegel, as well as theoretical footing in concepts such as cultural transmission, and looking glass self. Both qualitative and quantitative data would be used, as interview styled surveys would be conducted during the process, and previous research used as reference points. This research endeavor will be year long beginning mid-June of 2007. During the months of summer recession an extensive