Contents 1 Research Background 2 Research aim and objectives 3 Literature review 3.1 Organisational citizenship behaviours 3.2 Psychological contract 3.3 Organisational justice 4 Methodology 4.1 Questionnaire survey 4.2 Sample selection and data collection 4.3 Research ethics 4.4 Data analysis 5 Timetable 6 Conclusions 7 References 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7
1 Research Background Fuelled by increasing globalization and international competition, many enterprises have realised the importance of recruiting, retaining, and managing human resources, which contribute to increasing competitiveness of organisations and gaining sustainable competitive advantages (Nadiri & Tanova, 2010). Recently, many scholars and practitioners devote multiple efforts to organisational citizenship behaviours. The reason is that organisational citizenship behaviours contribute to improving organisational performance by maximizing their job efficiency and productivity (Organ, 1988; Wagner & Rush, 2000). Jahangir et al. (2004) assert that “successful organisations have employees who go beyond their formal job responsibilities and freely give their time and energy to succeed at the assigned job” (p.75). From these perspectives, organisational citizenship behaviours act as an essential role in strengthening organisational effectiveness. Given its importance, this study aims to examine organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers in order to improve research generalizability. Either in academic study or in practice, organisational citizenship
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