HR’s role in supporting gender diversity attheworkplaceand enhancing its impact on organisational effectiveness.
This project aims to discuss the role of gender diversity in the workplace and how companies can profit from greater amalgamation of the workforce while respecting individual needs.
The study will assess the current and future trends in diversity management, as perceived by HR professionals, by studying the diversity initiatives being implemented in IT/ITES organisations. It will attempt to examine and analyse the factors influencing such initiatives and study the components of training programs that are being used today.
It will also endeavour to explore the role of sensitising employees to the differences while instilling professional work etiquettes that allow for greater team building and a motivating working environment.
1. Introduction:
Workplace diversity is one of the prominent realities of today’s working environment. Managers have to deal with a myriad group of people on a daily basis. Even in a team of comparable candidates with similar educational background, there are differences stemming from gender, age, physical ability, sexual preference and cultural background.
The subtle but consistent change in demographic profiles of Indian cities, globalisation and the MNC culture, along with the phenomenon of outsourcing has irrevocably changed the work ethos of Indian organisations. In times to come the workforce will definitely be more varied and managers will have to deal with people from different ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs and lifestyle choices.
A team’s effectiveness and productivity, and consequently a company’s profitability, will depend on complete utilization of the available talent pool. This can happen only when the managers at all levels are trained to identify and bring forth the advantages of diverse viewpoints. Today, there
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