1.The Starbucks “Sing Your Own Song Event”
2. The purpose is to answers the central question: How can music contribute to conveying Starbucks’ experience to the Dutch consumer?
3.(a) What is the new concept to be tested? (b) How can music contribute to conveying Starbucks’ experience to the Dutch consumer? (c) Why do people avoid the Starbucks brand? (d) Why do people have an unfavourable attitude towards Starbucks, so much so that they avoid the brand? (e) What and Why Starbucks brand has been know all over the world?
4. The research undertaken will be from the Constructivist epistemology with an Interpretist theoretical view. The reason underlying this is that the Constructivist epistemology views reality (of which there are multiple) as being constructed by human interaction. It is shaped by social conventions, process and culture (Crotty, 1998). The Interpretist view leads itself well here because the goal is understand the meaning within a social context (Orlikowski and
Baroudi (1991). In this case the research is to uncover the reasons behind the social phenomenon “brand avoidance” within the Starbuck context.
As brands are “bundles of meaning” (Lee, 2007) and this research is within a social context which has been constructed by human process, qualitative research will be used to provide rich and insightful meanings into attitude and brand avoidance for Starbucks. The limitation 1) being that the results will have low generalisability (Hair et al, 2006).
What kind of company is Starbucks? * How did the brand develop to become a Multinational? * What is the company’s Mission and Vision? 2) What is the Starbucks experience exactly? * The Starbucks experience: a “Second Home” * The specific aspects that convey the experience 3) How do the Dutch customers perceive the current Starbucks experience? * Why do they go to Starbucks? * How do they feel about