26 November 2012, there were 25 topics related to the current issues of marketing in Federal Territory of Labuan was presentedat the Marketing Research Colloquium 2012 by the final year undergraduate students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) from Bachelor Degree of International Marketing with Honors for 2010/2011 session. There were 105 students has taken Marketing Research (GC30503) subject and they were clustered into 25 groups and successfully presented their research findings. The Colloquium enable students to examine the current issues of marketing related to the attitude and buying behavior of community in Federal Territory of Labuan, the presence of relationship marketing in order to increase consumer loyalty for products purchases and at the end could help them to develop effective communication while conducting the field work. These could also contribute to the socio-economic development of the community.
Some of the topics related to the current issues of marketing in Federal Territory of Labuan presented at the Marketing Research Colloquium 2012 includes: “Environmental values and lifestyles as determining factors of ecological consumer behavior”, “The effect of perceived services quality dimension on customer satisfaction, trust and loyalty in e-commerce setting among UMSKAL students: A cross cultural analysis”, “Superstitious beliefs in consumers evaluation of brand logos“, “The effect of commitment and trust toward micro-blogs on consumer behavioral intention: A relationship marketing perspective”, and “Trust andwillingness to adopt e-banking among UMSKAL students and staff”.
Prof. Dr. NorazahMohdSuki was the person who is responsible as the advisor for this course and has helped her students a lot in order to finish all the research study. She has offered guidance to each of the group in terms of the basic