A detailed analysis for the power system operation planning is the foremost matter to keep the reserves margin. The reviewed journal paper includes the considerations on wind speed forecast uncertainties, system load forecast uncertainties, ramp rates of thermal units and spinning reserves. Also, instantaneous, fast and slow reserve margin at each hour of the planning period is analysed. Thermal plant is the dominator of power generation thus, a large-scale hydro system is supplemented, also wind power is introduced into the system where possible forced outage will then take into account. Methods concerning wind power impact is being taken note and it successfully estimating …show more content…
The restrictions include the consideration whether hydro power station is synchronized or not. It is recognized as synchronized if hydro power station produce power, the rated power will be produced in few seconds then. Looking at wind power model, wind speed forecast error becomes the main factor for designing and planning. The uncertainty of wind speed forecast is the uncertainty of the hourly mean wind speed where unpredicted wind power variations between 15mins ahead and m hours ahead to meet by fast reserve. Wind power is calculated by summing the power from individual units whereby the total forecasted wind power is the sum of power from all regions. In case with two forecasts, the wind power forecast errors are neither independent, nor linear dependent. The value of the coefficient is actually depending on the forecast …show more content…
Real power reserves will then be further discussed. Reserve is categorized into two, normal operation reserve and disturbance reserve at which it is dependent on the cause of the reserve requirement. It is based on how fast the reserve capacity is available for the system operation. Firstly, the instantaneous reserve consists of frequency control reserve and momentary disturbance reserve, at which available within 30 sec. Frequency control reserve keeps the frequency within tolerance ± 0.1 Hs where used frequency control reserve is after 15mins replaced by fast reserve. Furthermore, momentary disturbance reserve replaces the lost production of tripped units or outages of important transmission lines. The same goes to momentary disturbance reserve at which 15mins is needed for replacing with fast disturbance reserve. NORDEL has PD1b with 200 MW less than the decisive fault case, relying on the consumption, frequency and voltage