After we had done the business plan and research, we found out that there are some limitations that we faced. One of the limitation is the research questionnaire was carry out through online only, which mean only internet user as respondent. Besides that, the population of the sample group is small; only 101 number of respondent via online questionnaire. This might not represent the preferences of the majority group. Actually the survey should get 10% of the total number of resident in Kampar, if the number of respondent increase, the result will be more accurate. Moreover, this whole business plan and research is done by 3 people, there is the limit in work force and time. Apart from that, there is no lake resort had ever built in Kampar area. Therefore, we have no relevant example or sample to refer and compare. Another limitation of the research is the majority of respondent were the same races, which is Chinese. So, we will have no idea what is the response from other ethics group. Lastly, the respondent may not understand the question and may not answer it accurately.
There are some valuable suggestions to improve the survey. The questionnaire can be done by face-to-face interview, so that we can capture the direct response of the respondent and it will be more accurate compare to online questionnaire. Besides that, we must increase the population of the sample group; we may need more work forces to get response from the resident of whole Kampar. There must be at least 10% from the total number of resident in Kampar. Moreover, the business plan and research should be allows more member in a group and the duration for the research should be lengthen. Follow by, the questionnaire must not be only answer by the respondent who from the same races. This will ensure the proportion of each ethic to be balance or equally occupied. Lastly, the question of the survey must not be too