Sanjay Thomas, a second-year MBA student at M.I.T. Sloan School of Management has three choices after he graduates. The first one is an excellent job offer that he received from a top-flight management consulting firm. The second option is to open an upscale restaurant that will serve Indian gourmet cuisine. The third option is to open the restaurant with his aunt. Each option has positive and negative aspects, but when Sanjay compares them only the financial benefits are relevant.
If Sanjay takes the job offered by the management consulting firm he would earn a salary of $80,000 a year. If he decides to open the restaurant, he would face a different scenario. To figure out Sanjay's salary he would have to take into account three variables: number of meals sold, revenue per meal, and labor cost. If Sanjay opens the restaurant in partnership with his aunt, she would guarantee him a salary of at least $3,500 a month, and in return she would get 90% of all monthly earnings in excess of $9,000.
Data Analysis
Sanjay estimated the following statistics for the variables that affect the expected salary at the restaurant. First, the number of meals obeys a normal distribution with a mean of 3,000 and a standard deviation of 1,000. Second, the revenue per meals is $20.00 with a probability of 25%, $18.50 with a probability of 35%, $16.50 with a probability of 30%, and $15.00 with a probability of 10%. Third, the labor cost follows a continuous uniform distribution between $5,040 and $6,860. He also estimates that there are two fixed costs. One is the fixed cost per meal of $11 and the other one is non labor cost of $3,995.
All these variables and fixed costs were used in a simulation software package to forecast the expected salary on the restaurant for the two situations: one running the restaurant by alone, and the other one, running it with his aunt. Each simulation consisted of 10,000 trials.
The result of Sanjay running the