B014351 Xin Li
Msc. Finance and Management 2010
Is UK Retail banking industry still ‘charming’?
A Report on the UK Retail Banking Industry 1. Introduction
Imagine what life would be if there were no banks around us. Corporations would fail to generate growth without banks financing supports, or the deals between sellers and buyers would all rely on in-person trading and the trust crisis is enlarged even more. Banks, to some extent, are holding the economic fate all around the world and also ensure the people’s daily life to last normally. As a learner of business and management, I always need insights into this issue and concern about the banking industry. Especially, when retail banks come to life, which is an essential element we talk about every day, and when people enter their chosen banks back and forth to make their investing decisions, the retail banking became as my most concerned sector from the whole banking industry.
After those ‘dramas’ that are going on the global economy, retail banks developed and survived till now and still are stepping into an unknown future. Consequently, I believe it’s necessary to deliver a market report about this specified industry. In this report, the main aim is to make an analysis on the remote environment of retail banking and what made UK financial market an attraction for
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