Once upon a time there lived a widowed woman with her two young children, a boy and a girl named Hansel and Gretel. They live a quiet life in small cottage of simple means nestled at the edge of a beautiful yet mysterious magical forest so very far away. This is their story.
Every morning the mother would rise early, open the shutters to let the warmth of the sunlight beam into their lovely little home. She would then reach for wood at the side of the table and start the fire in the stove that is in the middle of the room to prepare their daily breakfast of porridge and berries. As the big brass pot begins to boil she would spoon in the porridge grains. Once the mixture thickens, Mother would then sprinkle the berries into the mixture. Mother would then go outside to get the berries that are in a box near the door. On this particular day, she notices something strange.
“Oh my, what do we have here?” Mother says in amazement, hands clutched at her hips. Mother calls for her children.
“Hansel, Gretel! May I see you both here this instant!” she calls from the threshold. The two jump from their beds, which are side by side and quickly scurry to their mother. Mother’s towering presence in the light of the doorway draws a surprise moment for the two.
“What is the matter, mother?” The two youngster’s voices mesh in unison.
“What’s wrong? Come here my darling children and I will show you!” says mother, displeasure in her voice. The two children creep slowly to the sun drenched door.
“Who left the berry box open?”
“Not I!” said Hansel.
“Not I!” said Gretel.
“Well, certainly not I.” said mother sternly. “It seems our little four legged friends of the forest have helped themselves to a very nice treat. Now we have not but one berry for our porridge.”
Mother stood there looking serious, her left foot, tapping nervously on the clapboard floor. The two children look at each other and shrug