
Return From Social Conditioning To Problem Solving Technique

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Barriers to critical thinking if left unchecked can harm, and even seriously injure a curious and open mind, the ability to think through issues, analyzing issues from multiple view points and other critical thinking concepts. Let’s call theses threats land mines.
Much thinking of the untrained mind is distorted, incomplete, biased, uninformed and prejudiced. This kind of thinking creates a potential mine field that can hold a person back from using his/her knowledge, schooling, experience, reasoning, intuition, common sense and confidence to make informed decisions.
This section was created to raise awareness of the critical thinking mine field and ways of avoiding the mines. Then, you can focus your efforts
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That enlightenment will help clarify your thinking about issues and help guide you towards conclusions that are rational, unbiased, logical and fair.
To learn more see: The Re-Discovery of Common Sense.

Return from Social Conditioning to Problem Solving Techniques
Biased experiences are a relative of egocentric thinking.
Although experience is a wonderful teacher, if it is filtered through a biased or distorted view, that is how it is remembered. Self-delusion supports self-delusion.
Create an open mind and question logic by asking again and again: “Am I thinking logically and rationally.” This is called a sanity check.
Another good sanity check is choosing friends and colleagues who will tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear. These friends are priceless as sounding boards for your stream of thought and rational thinking.
To learn more see: The Re-Discovery of Common Sense.
Arrogance and Intolerance
Arrogance and intolerance are not welcome in the mind of the true critical thinker. They are recognized for what they are and kept to a minimum.
Arthur Ide, who is the editor of my first two books once said to
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This mentality can sneak up at any time.
Working through daily chores without thinking is one symptom. Another symptom is to shy away from new challenges or problems. Many people live this pattern for years, sometimes decades. Without a conscious effort it is easy to loose critical thinking skills over time.
There are some serious problems to not paying attention to what goes on. The drone mentality can cost dearly.
The movie Catch Me if You Can by Steven Spielberg is about a young man who was a brilliant master of deception. It is based on the real life exploits of Frank Abagnale, Jr. who successfully passed himself off as a teacher, a pilot, a doctor and a lawyer all before he reached his 21st birthday! He did this in the late 1960’s.
Frank Abagnale Jr. used disguise and deception to get away with his antics. He passed off bad checks to finance his expensive life by targeting drone like people. He stole the bulk of the money from corporations.
Today, fraud and theft criminals still prey on drone like people however now it is personal. Identity theft and fraud are at epidemic proportions. The scams are getting more creative and

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