I think that reusable bags are fun because they have an array of color and sizes. They are pretty neat because they don't rip or break easily like the flimsy thin plastic bags they give to you at the store. There has been an infinite amount of times I was carrying them and they broke and the food I bought fell through and spilled out. I have always been someone who always reduces, reuses, and recycles at home, since I have been at college since 2015 my go green life has decreased. I plan on doing this for the rest of my life, but I am starting it over this week. After a few trips to the store with the reusable bags I will get into the habit of always bringing them with me. I intend on taking pictures of my groceries in the reusable bags every time I buy stuff to document my actions of going green. I normally go to the store to get groceries once a week. I know it will be hard to always remember to bring them into the store with me so my backup plan is to ask for paper bags if it comes down to that. My goal is stop using plastic bags no matter what. After I get into the habit of using it at the grocery stores I plan on using them when I am shopping at malls too. What makes this so easy is that every grocery store sells these reusable bags for a really low
I think that reusable bags are fun because they have an array of color and sizes. They are pretty neat because they don't rip or break easily like the flimsy thin plastic bags they give to you at the store. There has been an infinite amount of times I was carrying them and they broke and the food I bought fell through and spilled out. I have always been someone who always reduces, reuses, and recycles at home, since I have been at college since 2015 my go green life has decreased. I plan on doing this for the rest of my life, but I am starting it over this week. After a few trips to the store with the reusable bags I will get into the habit of always bringing them with me. I intend on taking pictures of my groceries in the reusable bags every time I buy stuff to document my actions of going green. I normally go to the store to get groceries once a week. I know it will be hard to always remember to bring them into the store with me so my backup plan is to ask for paper bags if it comes down to that. My goal is stop using plastic bags no matter what. After I get into the habit of using it at the grocery stores I plan on using them when I am shopping at malls too. What makes this so easy is that every grocery store sells these reusable bags for a really low