Kipp Schools are better than desuitarty high schools because only 54% American students graduate high school while in Kipp 84% graduate and recieve schoolarships to different colleges or Universitys. Kipp is better because they have more hours , meaning more time for students to learn what they are supposed to learn and have a Thinking Skill class as well mostly as a warm up class as well as after school requirements resulting 50-60% better in school.
The researchers gathered information based on the data from Kipp’s students and compare them to ordinary schools and finding out the cause why Kipp students are doing
better than desultary schools and finding out what makes Kipp a better school. The school board have the power on how to improve their schools and the student’s to improve on their acadmic skills the school board has authority over the school and everyone underneath them. Because not many of us graduate so in order to the schools are trying out different methods on how to fix that problem. By collecting all this evidence students don’t need less hours of school , more space in the classroom , less homework and fancy technology what they need is a change .