Britain proved more resilient than many were expecting.
Britain spent a huge amount of money fighting the Revolutionary War, …show more content…
The hard core of government was criticized for the way they had run the war, and for the apparent power they had, with fears that Parliament had ceased to represent the views of the people - albeit the wealthy people - and was simply approving everything the government did. Petitions flooded from the ‘Association Movement’, demanding a pruning of the king’s government, the expansion of who could vote, and a redrawing of the electoral map. Some even demanded universal manhood suffrage.
The power the Association Movement had around early 1780 was huge, and it managed to achieve widespread support. It did not last long. In June 1780 the Gordon Riots paralyzed London for almost a week, with destruction and murder. While the cause of the riots was religious, landowners and moderates were frightened away from supporting any more reform and the Association Movement declined.
Political machinations throughout the early 1780s also produced a government with little inclination for constitutional reform. The moment