The finest beaches on the Mississippi Gulf Coast are located on Ship Island and are being eroded however; erosion is the thing that initially created the beaches. There were no beaches when oceans first covered the surface of the earth millions of years ago, only rocky shores. Over millions of years these solid stones were broken down into rocks by erosion, then were broken down into pebbles, and then into gravel, and then into sand. Rivers also carried down sand and silt from the mountains and deposited it into seas around the world and oceans. I found out that most causes of beach erosion are natural and the rest is because of man made structures. Jenny Lazlo of the National Awareness of Erosion was interviewed by one of my team members and stated that “everyone likes waves but they actually contribute to the erosion of beaches. Formations of waves are caused by wind, the rotation of the earth, and deep ocean currents.” Water moves in circular paths perpendicular to the ground. Waves take sand from the depths of the ocean and deposit it on the beaches. They also carry little pebbles and stones, and smash them into each other which create sand. Living on a beach or nearby one can be extremely harmful to humans because large waves can form (are powered by storms) and break into the beach washing back down much more sand with them to the ocean. A major part of beach erosion is ocean currents. Ocean currents can make and break the shore, depending on the circumstances but in this case it erodes the shore. “Long shore and near shore currents (riptides) are the two main types of currents that shape up beaches. The creation of the near shore current is when waves hit the beach at a ninety degree angles, they are very strong, narrow, and flow perpendicular to the beach in the seaward direction. This allows them to carry away large amounts of sand.” says Adam Copeland Erosion Researcher of Cornell University. Long…
We had brought them our pop culture, sports, foods, and many other “American” ideas. Once these ideas established the Philippines had lost some of their roots. Losing their native dialects and such is just one of the many culture specific values that had diminished. This is why the Philippines is very similar to the United States and it had not taken long for them to change, only a few decades. The Philippines can now look at this culture change as beneficial and detrimental.…
Cited: Crisostomo, Isabelo T. Modern Advertising for Filipinos. Quezon City, Philippines: J. Kris Publishing Enterprises, 1967.…
This paper compares the Philippines and the United States in multiple areas such as norms, values, beliefs, religion, economics, etc. The United States and the Philippines, compared from a sociological perspective, reveal fascinating similarities and differences. While English and Spanish are the most common languages in the U.S., Filipino and English are spoken in the Philippines along with eight major dialects. Filipino was declared the official language in a “compromise” in 1973, but English is still widely used for business and politics in the Philippines (Culture 1). It would seem that the presence of dialects would inject an element of diversity in the culture, slightly mitigating the influence of the mass media. It is a “mixed culture from the blending of foreign influences with native elements….some of the isolated tribes are the only people whose culture remains unadulterated by …influences” (Culture par. 1). They caution that although you can find traditional theatre, literature and love songs in the national language, visitors are more likely to witness “beauty contests, lurid soap operas, violent and sentimental Filipino movies, and local bands perfectly imitating Western pop tunes” (Culture par. 2). Balancing between two different cultures is very challenging.…
Baringer, S. E. (n.d.). The Philippines. Retrieved November 5, 2011, from Countries and their Cultures:…
What is the cultural identity of the Filipino? I have thought about this concept as I read through Linda Revilla’s “Filipino American Identity”. According to Rivera, the two main factors that have affected the sense or definition of “Filipino American Identity” are colonization and immigration. The vision of a Filipino in my mind is someone whose identity is culturally resilient in adapting and overcoming adversity and yet so culturally fractured in our identity. For me the concept of being Filipino had always been exotic because Filipinos have been known to live around the world in different areas adapting to their environments uniquely.…
Prof. Renato Constantino, in his essay entitled “The Miseducation of the Filipino”, writes about the coming about of the miseducation and the consequences of such action in the lives of the Filipinos, then, now, and perhaps the future. Promoting and imposing the “unFilipino” identity in Filipinos was the miseducation that Americans pursued during the time when they “posed” as a benevolent ally to the Philippines, and they proved victorious indeed because they had completely subjugated the Filipinos, both in minds and in hearts.…
In our community, unity and cooperation with one another speaks well of a typical Filipino culture. This is like the " moving boat " as they say the means of " bayanihan ".…
Third, and most crucially, I argue that the constitutionalization of the complete prohibition against foreign ownership merely creates a convenient ideological cover that locks in specific and entrenched oligarchic interests which have long since dominated Philippine mass media. Instead of being a significant constitutional policy, "nationalism" acquires disutility through its reduction to mere inflammatory political rhetoric, as in the case of the foreign ownership prohibition in mass media. The latter not only stifles…
A little downside though is that it could be used for sort of less moral or bad things. I have seen parodies of the original advertisements with meaner captions. Things that people have turned around to make it as though it was something that the Philippines had as a downside. Of course we can use this slogan to market the good things in the Philippines like places, food, events, etc, however with its simplicity and ability to match with pretty much anything, there have been some parodies of the…
Since today is a fast changing world and that media are a big influence to what the society is now, Philippines has no escape to this impact. As a matter of fact, Philippines is one of the countries most influenced by media. From the latest trends of fashion down to which dish washing being used is based on what is seen and heard from different mediums.…
Filipino people are one of the sole nations in the world. They have their own norms and manners. Until now, those traits are still alive and most of it is continuously transferring to the next generations.…
”The identity of a Filipino today is of a person asking what is his identity.” - Nick Joaquin…
Leadership is a process and a function of getting people together to work for a certain goal. It is an essential attribute of all social groups, because there is a greater need to work with others to attain one's goals rather than work on them oneself. When groups form, organization is needed to keep the group together working to reach the goal, or objective.…
We Filipinos are now living in the modern world of 21st century, not just by literally living in that time but we Filipinos are also trying to follow the track of what the foreigners are doing or in other words, we always want to follow the new trend. We can clearly see the generation gap that made the world now and the past ten years is different. In the past ten years, the outside culture will take a long time to absorb in our country. It’s a different situation now, with everything at our fingertip, and the simple example would be in the entertainment industry. The latest fashion, style, music, film, movie and in a simple word, an entertainment will easily enter our country without hesitation and no boundaries.…