Chapter 2: Changing the mood, mind, or willingness to act.
Chapter 3: Three issues with rhetoric
Chapter 4: Character, Logic, and emotion
Chapter 5: Decorum
Chapter 6: Converting character into a tool for persuasion.
Chapter 7: Tactics of Practical Wisdom.
Chapter 8: Using selflessness for personal gain.
Rhetoric is the art of influence, and therefore hinders the strong social force of arguments. According to the book, Thanks for Arguing, rhetoric serves as the decoder for arguments. The art of persuasion is all around, even in arguments.
Key Terms/Ideas:
Emotion trumps logic
Seduction is manipulation …show more content…
The most powerful tools of persuasion include; ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is the argument or act of persuasion in which you appeal to the reputation of the opponent. Pathos is the act in which you appeal to the feelings of your audience and your opponent. Lastly, logos is when you use logic to help persuade your audience and opponent.
Key Terms/Ideas:
Argument by character---ethos
“ ” by logic---logos
“ ” by emotion---pathos
Logos tool = concession
Accept what others say and build on …show more content…
A part of winning over your audience in an argument is fitting in with them. By acting as they would expect you to act, you are using the term decorum.
Key Terms/Ideas:
Rhetorical decorum is the art of fitting in
It follows the audience’s rules
Decorum is acting the way the audience expects you to, not as the audience does.
Persuasion requires sympathy
To help convince your audience of your argument, you use your values and virtues. To help bring your virtue up you can use four of the techniques talked about in this chapter; brag, get a witness to brag for you, reveal a tactical flaw, and switch sides when beneficial.
Key Terms/Ideas:
Audience must be receptive, attentive, and like and trust you.
Virtuous character stands for something besides itself.
Determine your audience’s values- then live up to them
Overwhelm your audience with examples.
Have one talk up the others vitrue
When assessing the situation or argument you are in, you have to use practical wisdom to be considered a sensible person to your audience. In order to get the audience to trust you, you may consider showing off your experience, bending the rules, and taking the middle