In a world that has become completely centered around the technological achievements of man, one can easily forget about the impact the internet has had on our society. However, one cannot deny its usefulness in spreading ideas to an unimaginably large audience. In the midst of the social media crisis, phones have taken the forefront in criticism. There are many satirical interpretations regarding addiction to phones, but one in particular stood out for its powerful message.
The image above was created by Steve Cutts, a British artist who has published much of his work to news and blog outlets. At first glance the author floods the reader with multiple messages, which can only be understood …show more content…
by analyzing each layer individually. Two instances that will be explored include a metaphorical reference and conceptual blending that bring meaning to the artwork. One large metaphor that is evident in the image are the leashes, and what they contribute to the meaning of the underlying message. One conceptual metaphoric interpretation of how the elements between leashes and its meaning map together is “LEASH-HOLDING IS CONTROL”. Leash-holding would be the source domain, while control is the target. Below is a table consisting of example mappings between parts of each.
String of leash
Exerting influence on the individual attached to it
Letting the string run by itself
Allowing more freedom
Restricting the length of the string
Limiting free will
Pulling a leash in certain directions
Forcing another to bend to someone’s will
As can be seen, multiple parts of the leash-holding domain can be mapped onto the idea of control reasonably.
It gives rise to the idea of how technology is an agent exerting control, and ultimately power over the user. As many are familiar with, cell phones and the internet have rapidly been expanding in both capabilities and size, further integrating into our modern-day society. Because of how fast their advancements have been, and how useful it is as a resource, human dependency on it has only grew with little signs of stopping. However, artists like Cutt are using social media to make a negative statement about itself, through the creation of digital works published on high-traffic websites. So long as readers are capable of recognizing the characteristics of satire, the whole intent of the piece can be …show more content…
understood. There is also a blended space established by a number of input spaces.
After studying each walking individual in the picture, we also notice the physical size of each walker, as well as their identities and order of procession. The smallest animal on the lease is a mouse, which is on a leash being held by the cat. The cat is leased by the dog, the dog the person, and finally the person by the phone. In English, mice are primarily associated as prey to the cat, and cats have a notoriously conflicting relationship with dogs. Dogs are seen as loyal companions to man. From these initial pairings, we can infer that the author has arranged the order of who walks who according to established perceptions of dominance, with the mice being the weakest of the line, followed by the cat, dog, and humans. The input spaces of this instance is Walking on Leash, Dominance, and Physical size. These all contribute elements to the new space (Figure 1). After observing the connections between different elements of each space mapping onto the new area, we notice how a new idea is created from the three inputs--owners are stronger in power because they give commands, hence they are larger in size and superior, while pets are weaker in power because they obey commands, and are therefore smaller in size and inferior. This idea, while previously unestablished, has been born after combining a selection of attributes in a meaningful way. A new paradigm of control emerges, emphasizing dominance versus
submissiveness. The implications of this new space serves to give novel, impactful meaning to the last part of this line--namely the giant phone holding a leash connected to the human. By using the space already established and applying it to the two characters, the reader realizes that the human, rather than playing the role of an owner, is now relegated to the status of a pet by donning the collar and leash, which is being held by what is presumably their own cell phone. Having this association is a warning about how controlling technology can be in today’s world. Almost everything is in some way connected to the medium. Not only are electronics capable of doing almost anything--from calculations to finding information in a pinch--but are also responsible for connecting both friends and strangers over long distances. As a result, the technology itself becomes a crutch that humans lean on, ending up as a substitute for a multitude of interactions that take away from in-person intimacy. The illustration, while metaphorically exaggerated, is not wrong regarding what it symbolizes. Cutts has merely drawn attention to a growing problem that everyone have been aware of, but none have done anything about.
Figure 1: A blend of three spaces that give rise to a brand new space. Input spaces: Walking on Leash, Dominance, Physical Size. Lines indicate mappings from an input space to the blended.
In conclusion, Cutt’s illustration, while containing no written words, conveys a powerful message regarding the influence of technology. Through clever use of conceptual metaphor and mental space blending, he has created a connection between two well-known ideas--the nature of an owner and pet relationship, and the dominant role technology plays. It may seem hypocritical to be using the internet to criticize the internet, but this method has proven powerful given that he is a published artist who has succeeded in at least conveying his thoughts to others. Language already has a profound impact in human perceptions, and through novel connections between spaces, new ideas can be created that have meaning transcending what would be possible with regular speech.