Keywords used and results: I searched up “Rheumatoid Arthritis” which gave me 20,400,000 results.
Website reviewed: I looked around quite a bit for a good website. Most of the websites just seems to talk about the symptoms and treatment. I chose the fifth website on the list,, because it contained a plethora of information. Not only did it provide the basic information on the various types of arthritis that exists, but it also provides information on how to manage the pain, diet and nutrition that are helpful, and events that occur …show more content…
Under the leadership section is a list of board members and the members of national leadership team. There are also other links available in the about me section such as the mission of the website, news, partners and sponsors, careers, code of ethics, financials, annual report, contact page, and the privacy policy.
WHAT: There is a “Mission and Vision” link on the front of the website where it lists the various goals of the websites. They advocate for patients by listing websites that can educate others on the disease, some of the advocacy events, and even an ambassador program. There are also scientific articles on the progress of finding a cure and funding for research, information on how and where to get support, treatment options, the right types of exercise, and dieting tips. There’s even a section for children who are suffering from juvenile arthritis.
HOW: I found the website when I searched “Rheumatoid Arthritis” on google. It was fifth on the list on the first