7750 Birchmount Road Markham, ON, L3R 0B4
Dear McCallum,
Subject: Child labour is an appalling issue that threatens the rights of children, but together we can make a difference in ending child labour. As a young citizen of Canada, I consider it my responsibility to educate myself about different issues, both local and global. I realize that I am very lucky to live the lifestyle I do, and I am quite passionate about making the world a better place, especially for children. An issue that concerns me is child labour. Child Labour has been an issue since the 1700s, with the Industrial Revolution, and the appearance of factories. By 1810, two hundred million children were involved in child labour. According to World Vision, child labour can be found in nearly every country, and about two hundred and eighteen million children are involved in child labour today. Children are often targeted because of their vulnerability, and they accept repetitive and hazardous work willingly because they may not have other choices. Some contributors to child labour may be poverty, child soldiering, discrimination, traditional culture practices, gender inequality, HIV, AIDS, and many more.
Child labour violates the human rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human rights. Child labour violates section three of the Declaration, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”. Children involved in child labour are often made to work in extremely dangerous environments. They are no longer free; rather they are slaves to their masters or factories. They are stolen of the right to live life freely. Child Labour also violates section four of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. Child Labour also violates the right not to be held in