After being threatened by a film critic, Riggan realizes he will never find his success in theatrical plays. At the lowest point of his acting career, he finally managed to understand that fantasy is the only way to bring him back to life. In this scene, magical realism spreads Riggan’s Birdman wings and portrays him soaring through the sky. The cheerfulness he experienced while flying emphasizes the important role fantasy plays in his life; his imagination has always been with him and is the only thing that brings him comfort and happiness. Riggan lands back on earth completely oblivious of reality since he is still engaged in his fantasies and walks into the theater with a confident strut. These specific characteristics used to portray Riggan in this scene shows his love and passion for his imagination. This magical realism scene shows fantasy as something he genuinely enjoys being immersed in. But most importantly, the scene signifies his discovery of his purpose in life. Theater will never bring Riggan the security and joy that his Birdman persona is able to give. By the end of the film, we see that Riggan is no longer wishing to toss away his fantasies, but begins to cherish and hold on to it. Even after receiving a raving review from the same …show more content…
Instead, it is portrayed as a powerful tool in removing one from their frustrations. However, magical realism also uncovers the most important truth in the film: despite the efforts he puts in to become known for an act of reality rather than of fantasy, Riggan will never be able to toss away Birdman and his immense