lungs so CO2/O2 exchange dwindles; this causes a lack of left side volume. The low gas exchange coupled with the low left side load causes the left side to contract when it is not all of the way full. This leads to low arterial pressure especially in the aorta; that lack in pressure effects the kidneys severely because they work by using arterial pressure to push plasma out through the renal corpuscle creating filtrate. As a result the excess fluid that would otherwise escape is being trapped worsening the edema. The low gas exchange mentioned earlier mixed with to low arterial pressure leads to pore profusion. This causes damage to both the heart and the kidneys. The damage to the myocardium do to the dwindling O2 supply perpetuates to cycle of heart failure and the damage to the kidneys leads to adrenal dysfunction which perpetuates the cycle of heart failure.
lungs so CO2/O2 exchange dwindles; this causes a lack of left side volume. The low gas exchange coupled with the low left side load causes the left side to contract when it is not all of the way full. This leads to low arterial pressure especially in the aorta; that lack in pressure effects the kidneys severely because they work by using arterial pressure to push plasma out through the renal corpuscle creating filtrate. As a result the excess fluid that would otherwise escape is being trapped worsening the edema. The low gas exchange mentioned earlier mixed with to low arterial pressure leads to pore profusion. This causes damage to both the heart and the kidneys. The damage to the myocardium do to the dwindling O2 supply perpetuates to cycle of heart failure and the damage to the kidneys leads to adrenal dysfunction which perpetuates the cycle of heart failure.