
Riley's Feelings In The Movie 'Inside Out'

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Riley's Feelings In The Movie 'Inside Out'
Sharing feelings with people is very hard. It’s because you are basically showing your weak side to other people making you defenceless if they use that against you. In the movie Inside Out, Riley, the main character who is around 11 years old is suffering from being able to show her feelings. Since the family moved from Minnesota to San Francisco, her feelings were unstable because of a few reasons. The first one being that her parents were busy (especially her dad) and it made her worrisome. The second reasons being that she had no friends which probably made her feel alone. The third reason was that she was pressured by her parents to be their “happy girl” which made her hide her feelings. This movie shows how much it is to talk about your …show more content…
While Disgust doesn't really play a big role into Riley’s decision to try to go back to her home town, Madness and Fear does. Madness is basically shows her being angry about her new settlement in San Francisco. Fear on the other hand makes Riley worry about everything she does. What does she say in class, what happens if her parents find out that she is not their “happy girl” anymore, what happens if she dosen’t make any friends, etc. When Joy and Sadness disappears, the other three emotions were in control but as they were, the personality islands started to break down one by one. Riley now being unable to show any of her personalities, her driving force is her emotions only. If she were to get help from her parents, she would have been comforted, but she didn’t. Therefore, as her three driving emotions Madness, Fear, and Disgust lost control of Riley. She entered that state where she felt no emotions. In conclusion, it is important to talk about your emotions because you will feel locked inside or alone, and these feelings, if they are big enough, can possibly kill

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