At the end of the research, the researcher would like to accomplish the following objectives:
1. To study the antifungal properties of adelfa leaves.
2. To study the effectiveness of adelfa decoction on removing ringworm on infected skin.
3. To state the other medical uses of adelfa.
4. To enumerate the methods in applying adelfa decoction on infected skin.
5. To know the reason in acquiring ringworm on the skin.
Significance of the Study
This part of the study discusses about the importance of knowing the antifungal properties to the following: To the infected animals for them to be treated. Also to the people with pets who are infected with ringworm to have alternative medicine in treating the disease. And other researchers who conduct studies about the medical uses of adelfa.
Scope and Limitation The general purpose of this study is to use adelfa leaves in treating ringworm infected animals. On the other hand, this study will not promote in using adelfa directly but the leaves will be decocted that will be applied on the infected area. The researchers will conduct the research by boiling the adelfa leaves in water and getting the decocted adelfa and applying it to the infected area. The adelfa leaves that the researchers will use will be bought in the market. And the