
Rise Above Themselves In The Bluest Eye

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The concept of rising above your self is not a difficult one, though so many people fail to do so. To rise above yourself means to overcome the problems you are facing and become a better person for yourself, which in turn will reward you with a truly fulfilling life. Morrison, the author of The Bluest Eye and McCarthy, the author of All the Pretty Horses, created stories about characters that try to rise above themselves, yet are unable to do so. Through Cholly trying to escape the events of his childhood, Pecola trying to change her physical features, and John trying to prevent the dying Western culture, these characters will be unable to do so and rise above themselves. In The Bluest Eye, Cholly Breedlove is a character whose childhood was filled with many …show more content…

As a baby, Cholly was abandoned by both of his parents, which put him in a position to be raised by his great aunt Jimmy. In Great Aunt Jimmy’s care, Cholly was raised in an essentially stable environment where he was taken care of as best as one could expect under the circumstances. Unfortunately, Cholly’s main provider died after eating peach cobbler when he was only sixteen. After the funeral, Cholly lost his virginity in the woods with a girl he was interested in that was in attendance at the party. During their sexual encounter, two white men confronted them in the woods that ridiculed them and forced them to continue having sex as they shined flashlights on them. The issues Cholly has later in life might stem from this encounter alone, but coupled with the abandonment from his parents can explain other actions Cholly took later on. After his great aunt’s funeral, Cholly sets out on a trip to meet his father. Upon meeting him, he was met with drunken hatred that scared him to the point of urinating on himself. Spending the last

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