Depending on the time period, the criteria for building and growth of the city could be religious, defensive, or for trade. The fall of the Roman empire, which had unified Europe, led to the Middle Ages. At it's fall, trades were put to an end because of the change of money, and goods were too easily stolen during travel. This was a period of transition. The different states started or attempted to start a structure to rebuild cities. In the beginning, many people left the cities to go to the countryside because cities were becoming too dangerous, and one could become self-sufficient for food needs in the countryside. We will see in this essay how the economy of western Europe prospered around A.D. 1000 with the increase of agricultural production which expanded opportunities in trade and encouraged the growth of towns. One will see how a comparison can be made of the rise of towns in Medieval Europe with towns in America. During that time, only a few people lived in castles; most were peasants who spent their lives farming in the countryside. However as the Middle Ages progressed, cities steadily gained in importance. Old cities grew and new cities were founded. The number of people in cities greatly increased. They had many of the same joys, sorrows, and fears that people had in the time where cities grew in America. This is the reason why we can find similarities in how and why the cities grew in Medieval Europe and America depending upon the time period chosen. We will compare the structure of the towns in Medieval Europe and America. Secondly we will see how technological innovations and the population increased affected the growth of towns. Finally we will study trade.
In Europe, towns only started to grow in size after about 1200 when the threat of the nomadic invasion was gone. About one in five of all European people lived and worked in a city or town. Some had been born