Bates and Silberman's 'Holy Grail' Criteria.
Bates and Silberman have described effective risk management as the "'holy grail' of mental health and other care services" (2007 p6)
They see it as finding an integrated balance between "positive risk taking" around the values of autonomy and independence and a policy of protection for the person and the community based on minimising harm. While they do not give an exact description of what such an approach would look like, they give a list of 7 criteria that any such approach would have to fulfil, these being:
•Involvement of Service Users and Relatives in Risk Assessment.
•Positive and Informed Risk Taking.
•Contextualising Behaviour.
•Defensible Decision Making.
•A Learning Culture.
•Tolerable Risks.
Bates and Silberman's 'Holy Grail' Criteria.
My interpretation -
I believe without the will to take risk a person would possibly lead an unfulfilling life. We as individuals take risks every day in most every thing we do. We learn from risk taking the possible dangers and how as an individual, decide how we will manage our lives. However those of us who have the capacity to take a risk accept the consequences. I therefore believe those of us who are at a greater risk of harm due to having less capacity to understand the risk to themselves and others, would need support in understanding the risks they take.
ac[1.2] Explain why individuals may have been discouraged or prevented from taking risks
These principles were launched by Bill Callaghan, Chair of the Health and Safety Commission in August 2006
1.Sensible risk management is about: Ensuring that workers and the public are properly protected
Providing overall benefit to society by balancing benefits and risks, with a focus on reducing real risks – both those which arise more often and those with serious consequences