1.2 – Explain why it is important to work in a why which imbeds personal centred values. It is important to work in this way, because I will allow the staff team, as well as the service user to have consistency. It allows all people to understand the approach that will be used, and allow for consistent planning to be in place. All future planning should have the service user at the centre.
1.3 – Explain why risk-taking can be part of a person centred approach. Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach, because this allows service users, staff teams, as well as clinical staff, to try to support service users to further themselves and attempt to see what service users are able of achieving in a controlled manner.
1.4 – Explain how using an individual’s care plan contributes to working in a person centred way. It helps staff teams to work in a person centred way, by understanding what care plans are already in place, and what the service user is already working towards/achieved. Staff can see a simple and concise progression, over time, at what issues service users are completing, or having issues with. Anything that they are refusing to do, or achieving well. This allows staff to be able to concentrate on certain areas with more information.
3.1 Explain the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support. It is important to gain consent of a service user, to ensure that the service user’s wishes are being met and for evidence that staff have done so.
3.3 – Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established If consent cannot be readily established, an understanding why this is so, needs to be looked into. Is the service user refusing the activity? If so, why? Does the service user have communication issues? If this is the case, then look at other communication avenues, such as talking mats, or sign language, such as makaton.
5.3 – Explain why a workers personal views should not influence