Policy Statement
Briefly state the purpose of this policy. For example: The purpose of this policy is to articulate our approach and expectations in relation to the management of risk across the organisation.
Organisation’s Commitment to Risk Management
It may be desirable to identify ultimate responsibility and owenership for risk management to demonstrate it is seen as a fundamental part of business operations.
Governance Framework
Provide a high level overview of the risk governance structure of the organistion indicating who is involved in risk and their roie. This may be represented pictorally and should be at a high level.
Roles and Responsibilities
Provide a high level description of the roles of the various people or groups involved in the risk governance structure. This will be expanded in the procedures.
Board * Indicate the key responsibilities of the Board (if applicable). * . * Committee * Indicate the key responsibilities of the relevant committee (if applicable).
Chief Executive Officer * Indicate the key responsibilities of the relevant CEO or relevant position (if applicable).
Risk Committee * Indicate the key responsibilities of the relevant internal risk committee or relevant group / forum (if applicable).
Risk Manager * Indicate the key responsibilities of the relevant internal risk committee or relevant risk manager - this may be a specific role or it may be one role has specific risk oversight responsbilities for the organisation (if applicable). * *
* Indicate the key responsibilities of the management team, may include managing risks, fostering risk culture.
Staff and Contractors * Indicate the key responsibilities of staff. May include applying risk management within their roles.
Policy Requirements
In this section an overview of the policy requirements can be given. This
References: * If there are documents you wish to reference, e.g. AS/NZS 4260:2004. Access to the Policy In this section if desired the location of the policy for internal or external parties can be indicated. Questions about this Policy It may be desirable to identify who is the internal "owner" of the policy and how they can be contacted for queries or feedback.