We have begun to leave, but we ran into some problems at the beginning of the trail. A lawyer crashed who does not know how to control mules. He flipped his wagon and now we have to wait until it gets clear. Many other wagons had troubles too. Most of them that had troubles, had mules. It took 2 hours for us to get back going again. We were very upset because we knew more troubles were coming ahead. We made it to the Kansas river. This river is very hard to get across. It took us 3 days to make it here. The hardest part about crossing the river was getting the Oxen to go over. The river was still a little furious due to the melting of snow early in the spring. We made it across in 20 minutes of horror. I had to throw one of my …show more content…
We will definitely be there tomorrow. After that horrific incident it is hard to keep moving, but we have to if we want to make it before winter. I am very anxious to get there, because we need supplies badly. I can't wait to get to Oregon. Fort Boise is a pretty great place. They had food supplies that we needed. We had a blacksmith repair some of our wagons. While we were there we spent the night. There were only 2 bad things , the mosquitos and the prices. This rest was definitely much needed. These supplies should get us through the rest of the trip. We are now crossing the treacherous Blue mountains. There has been many steep hills where we have had to use ropes to get down. The mountains are filled with beautiful pine trees and spruce trees. We found nice grass for our animals near the summit. We also found many clean streams to drink out of.The steepness of the hills was the only bad thing. We are 90 miles and 5 days away from Whitman mission . Finally we have reached Whitman Mission. The journey has been very treacherous and long. I am very thankful we have made it this far. The journey has not been all easy. It was very sad when we lost Mr. Morris but we have to look on the bright