In highschool, Morgan was a happy and loud band student. Now, He is a jolly Toys r us bathroom attendant. So jolly, he would compliment anyone and everyone he saw, and offer them limited towels and soaps, and unclog toilets for the customers. Despite being your everyday Toys r us attendant, he lived in a Mansion in South Colorado with his grandmother and four birds. In fact, he loves birds so much that he owns an Etsy just for birds- Booties for Birds; all day, everyday needs, and sells crocheted bird socks for their little bird feet. Morgan is happy with his life! Makya, a star basketball athlete, became the star of the Arkansas …show more content…
) haircuts similar to his own in his shop called “Bald Brotherhood”, where he states “It is what it is.” The barbershop was founded by Dr.Bennett and Major Northcut- who thought the balding hairstyle life was the way to go. But, all that social interaction got on his nerves eventually, so he moved to the forest to live in a treehouse like a reclusive hermit. The house was once owned by a magician, who has a variety of magic robes- but no magic wigs. He would have put the sign, “Candy for Free” on his treehouse; but he thought it sounded dumb and put one of his magic robes over it. After gaining loads of money after selling his business, he founded “Chrome Dome Wigshop”, which makes custom wigs for men, by men. To this day, Rainwater does not have any hair, but is willing to give back, “I guess.” With all the men and women of our strange little school, one thing is clear. Everyone is different in their own way.
After years of being a bathroom attendant, Morgan goes mentally insane and buys over a thousand birds. He is now known as “Birdman Russell” by locals. Makya showed all how to be a strong black woman who don’t need a man to hold her down. Rainwater is still the same, just with a wig