The purpose for this exit project experiment is to find out what are the affects of road salt on plants. The reason for doing this lab is to find out what a certain concentration of road salt will have an affect on a specific type of plant. Also to see what changes will occur like the color of the plant will change or the height of the plant. We are doing this to see what happened to vegetation during …show more content…
the winter season, and what affect the chemical compound in road salt will have on it. We will even found out how the chemical is reaching our underground water supply.
I hypothesize that the two plants I use in this project, during a two to three week period my group and I will have of observing, the plants will be health for the first couple of days and the plant that is watered with the road salt water mixture will have an affect later on in the first week.
It will have changes in height and maybe color or even the amount of leaves and the soil properties.
In my research to find an answer for my question, there will be various materials my group and I will need. First we will need to get some example of roadside plants that are affected by road salt during the winter seasons. Then find two identical plants that are roadside plants or not and mark one as controlled and the other as experiment.
Next I will need two different types of water to use on my groups plants. One will be tested with regular tap water and the other would be with the road salt water. Soon after my group and I will need to measure an exact amount of water for both of the plants. We will use about 100 milliliters of water in each plant. My group and I will have to make observations based on a daily check on the plants, changes in the soil the color and height and maybe the
In my procedure to find out what the affects would be of salt water on my group's plants. I will have to pot the plants of the same type and the same attributes and health condition. Our group will need to pot the plants in the same identical soil. Next mark the plants as controlled (the one with regular tap water) and experiment (the one with salt water solution). Finally monitor the plants and make the necessary comments and observation on the data charts, with notes and detailed sketches of the plants over time.