Frost arrived in London, England at the perfect time. At this time, London was midway through the “Georgian Movement”. A movement which young poets in favor of realism and plain language, and against the grand rhetoric of the Victorians. The head of this movement, Harold Monro, made a bold step to rent a building in Bloomsbury for editing and publishing poems. This was a huge opportunity for Frost because he is able to bring his poems to this building and get them edited and possibly they could be published to the public (Hart, …show more content…
In high school he was valedictorian, which is huge because he is the smartest and hardest working student in the school (Robert Lee Frost). Frost through the years received 4 pulitzers awards and the Congressional Gold Medal. Also, towards the last 15 years of his life he received many public honors. One day Frost got a message from the president and the government to go on a mission to the Soviet Union and write the inauguration for President Kennedy. That was a honor to Frost to be able to do something that dearing and important to the President. Unfortunately, Robert Frost messed up. He gave the wrong impression of President Kennedy and when Frost came back from the Soviet Union the president never spoke to him ever again (Robert