The story takes off in a tribe called the Masai, were a young boy is treated differently because he refuses to kill a lion to become a warrior of the tribe. Upon refusal, he goes out to his special place to get away from his troubles were he watches a mighty lion (which end he named Al-Asfar) lie down. En-Gerrs (the boy) friend wants him to become a warrior and asks why En-gerr refuses to kill the lion. En-gerr calmly tells him that he has been watching Al-Astra for a while now and that he now considers the lion a friend. Second, En-gerr steps up to the plate. The
The story takes off in a tribe called the Masai, were a young boy is treated differently because he refuses to kill a lion to become a warrior of the tribe. Upon refusal, he goes out to his special place to get away from his troubles were he watches a mighty lion (which end he named Al-Asfar) lie down. En-Gerrs (the boy) friend wants him to become a warrior and asks why En-gerr refuses to kill the lion. En-gerr calmly tells him that he has been watching Al-Astra for a while now and that he now considers the lion a friend. Second, En-gerr steps up to the plate. The