The green stink bug is considered a pest to most people, but most people don’t know about it. The stink bug has a bright green color with narrow sides and can be spotted or striped. These marking can be black, yellow, white, or red. It has bilateral symmetry, where a line can be drawn down the middle and each side looks the same. From the tip of the head to the tail end, the size varies between 13mm-19mm and it has an oval like shape.…
Fever has struck our town. Bush Hill toke on the repartition of the place of the dead. Even Though it had a bad repartition. A french doctor, Mr.Stephen Girard, came to our town and took over as a doctor . While everyone fled, he stayed with us throughout this pandemic. He turned that dirty filthy house into and emergency hospital. All he told was to rest and get plenty of fluids. Bush Hill is no longer the place where people die. It symbolizes hope, peace, future, happiness.…
The prairie rattlesnake is one of the most venomous snakes in North America. The prefered habitat for the prairie rattlesnake is in the mid United States and is mostly found living in grasslands and prairies. They will also live in wooded arias, brush caves and near streams where the food is plentiful.…
The Red-tailed Hawk is the most known hawk in America especially North America. They commonly fly above fields with their broad wings. They are well adapted to living in the air. They are very large and a female can weigh up to three pounds. You’ll see them on electric poles observing a mole or a squirrel simply waiting out the perfect time to attack them.…
Fever 1793 written by Laurie Halse Anderson is “A gripping story about living morally under the shadow of rampant death.” The story shows a part of the world that many of us don’t know what feels like. It draws you into the plot, and makes you contemplate how you would act in the life threatening situation. In the story, a young adult, Mattie, is living through the fever in Philadelphia. With lots of loss, and sorrow Mattie always finds something to look forward too. The book Fever 1793 suggests that there will always be conflict, pain, suffering, and disease in life. If you focus in on the bright side, and put the things that matter, that remind you that there are things in life better than this, you can get through it.…
Horses, particularly wild ones, seem to embody freedom and strength. Mustang and stallion are words that make you think of nobility. The wild horse is a species of the genus equus.…
The reader knows that “all was not right” because it says in the chapter “The sickness began with chills, headache, and a painful aching in the back, arms, and legs. A high fever developed accompanied by constipation. This stage lasted around three days, and then the fever suddenly broke and the patient seemed to recover. But only for a few short hours.” This quotation is showing us that this fever wasn't like the ones they had. Normally their fevers would be able to go down because of the medicine they gave the patient but this fever would go away for a short amount of time and com right because.…
There was a disease called a yellow fever, that was going around so he decided he…
Also known as Valley fever is an infection that is caused by the fungi Coccidioides. The fungus grows in soil found in the southwestern part of the United States as well as Mexico and Central/South America. Those living in these designated areas can contract this disease by inhaling the fungal spores in the air. This is considered a self limiting respiratory infection so most individuals that are infected present with mild to no symptoms at all. A patient with this disease can present with the following signs and symptoms anywhere from 1-3 weeks after breathing in the fungal spores due to its incubation period of 10-16 days. The symptoms consist of, fatigue, cough, SOB, fever, chills, HA, night sweats, muscle aches/joint pain, rash on the upper body or legs (erythema nodosum). These symptoms can last 7-30 days or up to several months depending on the severity. In regards to patient history, it is important to get a travel history especially if they went to an endemic area to determine their risk of exposure. Some exam findings could be respiratory manifestations such as rales, rhonchi, bronchial breath sounds, or decreased breath sounds. Skin findings could consist of diffuse, maculopapular rashes or urticaria that may progress to erythema nodosum or erythema multiforme after 3-21 days. Abscess formation can also be found on PE and unifocal bone or joint lesions if MS involvement. It can involve several organs such as the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and the CNS can be involved resulting in meningitis.…
It appears in a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body.…
Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) For more than a half century, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) has served as the bleeding edge of the country's protection against sicknesses that could annihilate markets for domesticated animals, meat, and other creature items. Situated off the tip of Long Island, the lab's main goal crosses three regions: diagnostics, innovative work, and instruction. PIADC is equipped for diagnosing remote creature ailments. Its examination projects incorporate growing new indicative devices and safeguards, (for example, antibodies and antivirals) for foot-and-mouth and other outside creature illnesses. Since 1971, it has given preparing to veterinarians on the best way to perceive outside creature…
Yellow fever is a that's lasted six weeks throughout Philadelphia. I, Alex Malesich have been sent here in 1793 by king George lll from England to cure yellow fever. He wanted me to find out what is a better cure for the fever, the Philadelphia or the French cure.There has are ready been thousands and thousands of deaths. The fever has spread like a wildfire all over Philadelphia and is still going.…
This essay will explore various aspects related to the epidemiology of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). It will seek to determine the nature and extent of the problem, as well as strategic points of control. Additionally, this essay will identify the design and implementation of control strategies, as well as evaluate them. Overall, the reader is meant to gain a greater understanding of the diverse characteristics of epidemiology and the way they correlate to community nursing. By analyzing the epidemiology of RMSF, the reader should be able to apply an epidemiological analysis to other diseases and determine a proper course of action in relation to prevention, maintenance, and eradication.…
Typhoid Fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. Annually in the united states 5700 cases are reported. In the majority of the cases reported, the infected were traveling internationally. Typhoid Fever is still very common throughout the world where it is estimated to infect 21.5 million people per year. Even with advanced prevention and treatment Typhoid Fever is still easily contracted and is a threat to all military members while deployed or in a field environment.…
Yellow fever killed over 5,000 people in Philadelphia in 1793. Yellow fever is a highly contagious fever that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Some symptoms of yellow fever include an onset of fever, chills, severe headache, nausea, fatigue, weakness, and vomiting. Treatment of yellow fever in the 1700’s included bloodletting, herbs, other material treatments, and also simply doing nothing. In Fever 1793, Laurie Halse Anderson alters history, but maintains some historical accuracy. The setting of the wharfs is both the same and different from the actual wharfs at that time.…