1.1 INTRODUCTION Absenteeism has been variously defined by different authorities. “According to Webster’s dictionary, Absenteeism is the practice or habit of being an ‘Absentee’ and an ‘absentee’ is one who habitually stays away.” According to the labour Bureau, Simla, absenteeism is the total man shifts lost because of absence as a percentage of the total number of man shifts scheduled to work. In other words, it signifies the absence of an employee from work when he is scheduled to be at work. It is unauthorized, unexplained, available, and willful absence from work. For calculating the rate of absenteeism, two facts are taken into consideration the number of persons scheduled to work and the number actually present.
If an employee absents himself from work by taking permission from his superior and applying for leave, such absenteeism is called authorized absenteeism. If an employee absents himself from work without informing or taking permission and without applying for leave, such absenteeism is called unauthorized absenteeism. If an employee absents himself from duty willfully, such absenteeism is called willful absenteeism. If an employee absents himself from duty owing to the circumstances beyond his control like involvement in accidents or sudden sickness, such absenteeism is called absenteeism caused by circumstances beyond one’s control.
1.2 DEFINITION Labour Bureau of Simla and annual surveys of industries define absenteeism as the failure of a worker to report for work when he is scheduled to work. The labour department/Government of India define absenteeism as ‘‘the total man shifts lost because of absentees as a percentage of the total number of man shifts scheduled.” This definition does not include absence on account of authorized leave, layoff, retrenchment, strikes etc.,
Selingman says that ‘‘Absenteeism is the time lost in industrial establishment by
References: ❖ Statistical Methods Sultan Chand & Sons Publishers, New Delhi,Thirty Fourth Edition, 2005 - Gupta, S.P.