Role of the assessor
The role of the assessor is to make an informed judgement about the range of evidence a learner may produce to demonstrate their competence to meet the assessment criteria.
To maintain objectivity, best practice is to ensure assessors should not also be the specific programme tutor. Where this is not possible, centres should discuss acceptable options with their External Quality Assurer
Responsibilities of assessor(s)
1. Carrying out assessments in accordance with CYQ assessment specifications and correctly completing all compulsory assessment documentation
2. Ensuring evidence provided by learners is sufficient to meet CYQ requirements
3. Providing objective feedback to the learner about performance and achievement
4. Devising and agreeing an assessment action plan with the learner as appropriate
5. Completing all relevant assessment forms and returning them to the internal quality assurer/Centre Contact
6. Providing feedback to the internal quality assurer
7. Upholding the standards of the unit/qualification
CYQ requirements
It is a requirement that centres provide CYQ with the following:
list of named assessors with signatures (to be kept on site for sampling by the External
Quality Assurer
details of all assessors’ qualifications and experience (CVs)
copies of all relevant certificates
clear specification of the assessment roles and responsibilities
a well-planned assessment process from induction to final assessment day plan
(assessment materials are available from CYQ)
awarding excellence
Central YMCA Qualifications part of Central Young Men’s Christian Association. Registered charity No. 213121. Limited company registered in England 119249.
Registered office: 112 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3NQ. YMCA® is a trademark registered in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ISO9001 accredited.
a valid and reliable assessment of knowledge and skills that is appropriate to