Pttles Teaching Programme
Tutor: Joanna Martin
Essay Title/ Level 4 Assessment:
‘Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/ training cycle’?
Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle.
Traditionally the role of the teacher has been as a purveyor of information and trusted to be the fount of all knowledge. This suggests that the teacher was the one in control of the passing of knowledge onto passive students. Of course this ‘chalk and talk’ approach has now altered dramatically from the ‘traditional’ model and thus altering the role of the teacher. Reece and Walker believe that, “ the modern teacher is facilitator: a person who assists students to learn for themselves” (Reece & Walker 2002)
Role, responsibilities and boundaries are key parts of a teacher’s role as an educator, which are used within the assessment framework of a teacher/training cycle. This teacher training cycle consists of five processes:
1. Identify Needs – finding out the needs of the organization and the learners, preparing a scheme of work and session plans to deliver group or individual learning, based upon the needs of the organization, the syllabus and the learners.
2. Plan and Design – preparing the environment, suitable delivery resources and handouts.
3. Deliver/Facilitate – teaching and learning in a suitable manner.
4. Assess – ensuring your learners have learnt the necessary skills and knowledge. 5. Evaluate – obtaining feedback from the learners and evaluating in order to modify or make changes in the future.
My role as ‘public speaking tutor’ is varied, it is not solely to impart knowledge, it is to inspire, motivate, develop self belief frameworks, help them to experience and to inspire them to be creative, and using that creativity find solutions of their own.
Marshall (2006) believes about
Bibliography: Kelley-Browne, L. (2007). Training to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 1st Edition Gravells, A (2008) Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector, 3rd Edition , Leraning Matters Petty, G. (2004). Teaching Today. Cheltenham: Nelson Thomas. 3rd Edition. Marshall, B. (2006). Preparing to teach in the Life Learning Sector. London. Edexcel. Wilson, W. (2008). Practical Teaching: Guide PTLLS and CTLLS. London.