This essay is to evaluate what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle.
In order for one to completely explore the task expected from the author, it is paramount to understand the meaning of the terminology used in this essay.
The author begins by giving a brief definition of “role“.
According to the dictionary, role is defined as one’s part, expected function, job, duty, task, responsibility. Readers’ digest. Whilst, online dictionary, Encarta (1998-2005) claim added that, “role” is usual or expected function, characteristic or expected pattern of behaviour. On the other hand, “responsibilities” refer to accountability, that is the position of being accountable to somebody or for something, something to be responsible for, blame for, authority to act, to take decision independently.
With the above definition, one can say that, role and responsibility are similar or has some kind of similarity to it. Hence, the author will say that, as a teacher our role is our responsibility, the task and role, hence, we are accountable or responsible for our students or learners to acquire new skills or for learning to take place.
Curzon, (2003) p17 states that, “Learning a change in human disposition or capability which persists over a period of time and which is not simply ascribable to the process of growth”.
This statement means that, learning does not just occur as the process of growth, but rather, as a result of something or a proof that learning has taken place. Moreover, many authors have cited several theories and models, some of which are, is teaching a science or an art, or both, and that, if teaching is training and instruction.
According to Wilson (2008), roles are functions of a teacher, which are, planning and preparing for the class, developing interesting way to deliver the lesson, assessing the impact of learning, ensuring safe learning
Bibliography: Curzon, L.B. (2003) Teaching in further Education: An outline of Principles and Practice, 6th Ed., p17, London: Continuum. Encarta World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005. Microsoft Corporation. Francis, M and Gould, J. (2009) Achieving Your PTLLS Award: A Practical Guild to Successful Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. London: Sage Publications. Huddleston, P and Unwin, L. (2008) Teaching and learning in further Education: Diversity and Change. 3rd Ed., p85, London: Routledge. Muijs, D and Reynolds, D. (2005) Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice. 2nd Ed., London: Sage Publications. Petty, G. (2006) Evidence-Based Teaching: A Practical Approach. 2nd Ed., United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Wilson, L. (2008) Practical Teaching: A Guide to PTLLS and CTLLS. London: Delmar Cengage Learning EMEA. PTLL: ASSIGNMENT ONE. SHAKIRAT AKINLEYE(YEMI) 21/09/2010