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A culture as a sociological construct is a complex phenomenon. It takes time and conscious effort to be able to understand a particular culture. It is even more difficult if one wants willfully to assimilate some elements of that culture into his native one.
As a complex reality, culture consists of many elements. Some of these elements are essential to the very nature of that culture and without them such a culture would not have taken the shape it has now.
In the context of African studies, the researcher believes that the notion of taboos has been an essential element of African religion and culture. He reckons that taboos do not only constitute a part of African cultural heritage but also provide a good explanation of that heritage.
The researcher decided to focus on taboo in African culture from a general point of view. He believes that taboos are an essential concept in African culture and that to understand them will enable him to infer better its psychological, religious and social consequences.
The purpose of this work is to explore a concept of taboos in Africa. It will be done by defining taboos, providing examples and the way they can be categorized. A special attention will be given to the the role of taboo in maintaining social structures of African society.
This research is an ethnographic investigation that is interested not so much about studying people but rather in learning from people. Such an investigation takes place in order to understand the way people process their experiences (Spradley, 1979, p. 3) or “to get inside their heads”(Spradley, 1980, p. 10).
The researcher chose a qualitative approach in designing the survey. Due to the very nature of this particular research with its topic, a non-probability approach to sampling was taken.
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