Last weekend my family arrived in Primm Valley Resorts in Nevada.Since I only live forty five minutes away I went to see them.The casino they booked a room in was called Buffalo Bills is known for the two huge arcades that range from motorcycle machines to dancing games to shooting, and attractions.One of the attractions in the casino is called "The Vault"a virtual roller coaster that spins, flips and rocks you, and then there's The Desperado a roller coaster with a two hundred and nine foot drop. I meet my family there said hello and I missed you to all of them; then me and my sister head to the …show more content…
arcade. As we are walking thru the arcade getting in and out of rides, she points to a nearby sign that said "Do you Dare?' my heart starts racing, she grabs me by the hand and pulls me towards a set of burgundy stairs, that go up to the rollercoaster of death; she drags me up there and says "come on,it's not gonna be scary" as I'm running to and down the stairs I say "I can't do it,I'm gonna die!!!!!!"she comes back down grabs my arm full grip and pulls me all the way up the stairs again but this time we get to the ride attendant which was checking for tickets.
"How long is the ride of Hell?" she asked or at least that’s what I heard in my scared little head. "Three minutes." he responds. She looks at me and says "See it's just three minutes you'll be fine ." I respond with "Do you know what can happen in three minutes? He opens the gate and signals towards the roller coaster. The roller coaster was
yellow with a blue lightning bolt along the sides. My heart is pounding as we get buckled in by the attendant. The attendant uses the speaker phone and says "keep hands and feet in the cart at all times. no sunglasses or loose objects on the ride no cameras or phones at any time thank you for riding the Desperado." The pounding of my heart gets faster as the roller coaster begins to move forward. My face gets pale as we begin to roll out of the casino I see a nice cloudy sky, my arms feel a crisp chill air we go up to the top of the first drop. "This is the big one" says my sister.
I'm afraid of what's to come I'm holding the bar with all my strength I prepare myself for the fall; squinting my eyes as little as possible I look underneath me all the people walking around the parking lot looked like ants and I could see the casino that we were just in, the whole entire thing! I can see a beautiful horizon of the desert, I'm scared, im super high up I've never been this high before!. Click, Click, Click I the rollercoaster continues, for a moment times stops and as you can hear the chill crisp air. I look over and grab my sister arm as soon as I do that I feel my body be pulled against the seat of the roller coaster with great force, I no longer have control of my face expression, my hair is flying everywhere I let out a big scream, my guts are moving up and down it’s a unpleasant yet pleasant feeling, I see my sister with her hands up and a big smile in her face, I raise one hand and then both before you know it im not scared anymore im just being banned back and forth with great force, I feel scared yet good, you can say I embraced the feeling of being afraid and turned it to a good amazing feeling of being able to do something new and getting out of my comfort zone, as the ride slows down and goes inside a cave to the casino I turn over to my sister and say "We Dared" as we arrive at the end and the roller coaster comes to a complete stop I feel happy, excited and good, I never thought I would have ever gotten on a roller coaster especially one with a two hundred and nine foot drop, now everytime we go to Buffalo Bills at Stateline we get on every single ride even "The Desperado".