
Roly Poly Lab

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Roly Poly Lab
Pillbug “Roly-Poly” Behavior LaB

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe the behavior of the Armadillium vulgare (roly- poly bug), as well as hypothesize whether it will be attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to certain substances.

1. Observing the pillbug: examine the pillbug’s shell and body, shell shape, color, texture, number of legs, number of antennae, motion, speed, and sex after close examination.
2. Formulate hypotheses: choose substances (powders and liquids) and suggest whether the pillbug will be attracted to, repelled by, or unresponsive to each substance.
3. Perform an experiment: using a control, test the pillbug’s reaction to the substances
4. Compare with classmates: determine whether classmates had similar results when testing the same substance.

Data Collected

The pill bugs have 7 pairs of legs with 14 overlapping plates.
Oval-shaped like a “pill”.
One pair of antennae.
Black with lighter spots.
The pillbugs climb over each other.
The male pillbugs are bigger and darker
3 female pillbugs.
Male plays dead on his back when tampered with.
The pillbugs roll into a ball for safety.
Uropods at the end of abdomen.
Legs move in a quick wave-like motion.

1. As the pillbug moves around in the beaker, the movement of the legs is very quick and fluid; similar to that of a “wave”.

2. To protect itself from predators, the pillbug rolls itself into an armored ball. Similarly, the pillbug uses its hard exoskeleton as a way to protect itself from the elements. Their long antennae allow for them to locate food and their shorter legs in the front help to bring the closer food to their mouths. Lastly, the pillbug’s multiple legs allows for it to interact with the environment.

3. When allowed to crawl on my hand, the pillbug moved quickly in a zig-zag motion. I could feel the pillbug as it made it’s way up my arm. After close examination,

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