Act 1
1. What is the official title of the job held by Flavius and Marullus? Describe the function of the job. (You may have to use an outside source to find the answer.)
The official title of the job held by Flavius and Marullus is tribunes. Tribunes are officials appointed to administer the law.
2. Why are Flavius and Marullus upset at the common folk celebrating?
Flavius and Marullus are upset because the common folk are waiting on Ceaser even though he killed Pompey.
3. Who Was Pompey?
Pompey was a Roman politician and general defeated by Ceaser.
4. What does Marullus mean when he says: “You blocks, you stones, and you worse than senseless things! O you hard hearts, you cruel men of Rome, Knew you not Pompey?”
The Roman citizens were cheering for Ceaser after they were cheering for Pompey.
5. What does Flavius mean when he states: “These growing feathers plucked from Caesar’s wing will make him fly an ordinary pitch? Who else would soar above the view of men and keep us all in servile fearfulness?”
Flavius means that he takes off the decorations off the statue like he would pluck the feathers off a bird.
Scene 2
6. What is the reason Caesar wants Antony to touch Calphurnia as he runs the race?
Caesar wants Antony to touch Calphurnia as he runs the race because he believes she will get pregnant.
7. What is revealed about Antony’s character when he says: “When Caesar says ‘Do this,’ it is performed.”
Antony is loyal to Ceaser and he is a flatterer to Ceaser.
8. What does the Soothsayer tell Caesar?
The soothsayer tells Ceaser to beware the ides of March.
9. What is Caesar’s reaction to the Soothsayer’s words?
Ceaser dismisses the soothsayer because Ceaser thinks the soothsayer is crazy.
10. Compare Caesar’s attitude toward superstitions with Calphurnia on the one hand, and the Soothsayer on the other. What does this suggest about Caesar’s character?
Ceaser chooses what he wants to believe.