
Romeo And Juliet Decisions

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Romeo And Juliet Decisions
From a young age we are asked what our plans for the future are. These choices are influenced by our family, friends, and media. Although the decision is ultimately up to us we are pressured to consider the opinions of those we’re close to. Juliet is placed in a similar situation when Romeo shows interest in her. At a young age Juliet is lead into believing that Romeo loves her. Meanwhile Romeo believes that it is truly love he feels for Juliet, while it is more likely lust. Hours before they met Romeo was thoroughly infatuated with Rosaline. “One fairer than my love! The all-seeing sun Ne’er saw her match since first the world begun” (I, ii, 92-93). In these lines he compares Rosaline’s beauty to rivaling that of the sun’s. Once arriving at the Capulet’s party Romeo catches sight of Juliet, then claims “So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows” (I, iv, 48). Implying she is the most beautiful person compared to everyone else in the room, including Rosaline. He is quick to change his opinion based solely on what he sees. Easily influenced, the majority of his decisions …show more content…
Both of them begin by thoroughly supporting the actions taken by the two until the nurse states that she believes “It best you married with the county” (III, v, 219). The nurse’s opinion had changed completely since the beginning when she went so far as to encourage the marriage between the two, even assisting in the arrangement. Now saying that it is best for Juliet marry Paris, the nurse was not reliable in assisting or advising Juliet’s decisions. Friar Lawrence however remained consistently faithful in supporting the two and their decisions. He does this in the belief that the marriage will unite the Capulets and Montagues, ending the conflict in Verona. Both of what the nurse and Friar thought was best did not come to be, instead ending with the deaths of Paris, Romeo, and

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