Human error, typically tracing back to Friar Lawrence, shows that no matter how much fate is blamed, whether it be by Romeo or Friar John, it is never truly fates fault, as even though the demise of the lovers are foretold in the beginning, it felt as though if a few different choices would’ve been made, several lives could’ve been saved. All the while, fate is always blamed for the choices of people who wish to grant responsibility of their actions away from
Human error, typically tracing back to Friar Lawrence, shows that no matter how much fate is blamed, whether it be by Romeo or Friar John, it is never truly fates fault, as even though the demise of the lovers are foretold in the beginning, it felt as though if a few different choices would’ve been made, several lives could’ve been saved. All the while, fate is always blamed for the choices of people who wish to grant responsibility of their actions away from