The irony is that everything Juliet is saying has a different meaning than what Tybalt understands. It refers to her and Romeo’s love sometimes, while Tybalt thinks she is talking about himself.…
In the first quatrain Tybalt expresses his hatred for Romeo and everything about him by saying “thou art a villain” (3.1.58), which is considered a serious insult meaning that Romeo is a pleasantly scoundrel. Tybalt also expresses his power and authority as well as his love for violence when he compares himself to the mighty hero Hercules who overpowered and killed the villainous Giant Antaeus, in this case Romeo. Tybalt also mocks Romeo for loving love more than love should be loved, as Romeo can only be satisfied with love and his love is ever changing. In the second quatrain Tybalt displays how lowly he thinks of Romeo who has seemingly fled from his challenge. Tybalt also expresses how ridiculous he thinks his uncle (referred to as coz), who thought that Romeo was a “portly gentleman” (1.5.65) and therefore stopped him from confronting Romeo at the party. In the third quatrain Tybalt demonstrates how much he loves conflict and fighting and “[hates] the word [peace]”…
This foreshadows the death of tybalt which this is the main turning point in the play One of the ways Shakespeare presents conflict and violence in act 3:1 is dramatic irony to represent conflict and violence as we know Romeo is married to Juliet while no one else does. This would lead to violence if they found out. Tybalt knew Romeo like Juliet but didn’t know they were now family and starts a fight as usual. One of the lines that represents the dramatic irony is when Mercutio receives a wound which he calls a scratch, but he knows it is fatal. Up until then Mercutio was the life and soul of the party. He's a bit eccentric and enjoys having a good time. He is the joker of the group and gravity is alien to him, so there is irony in his words when he is dying.One of the ways Shakespeare presents conflict and violence in act 3:1 is dramatic irony to represent conflict and violence as we know Romeo is married to Juliet while no one else does. This would lead to violence if they found out. Tybalt knew Romeo like Juliet but didn’t know they were now family and starts a fight as usual. One of the lines that represents the dramatic irony is when Mercutio receives a wound which he calls a scratch, but he knows it is fatal. Up until then Mercutio was the life and soul of the party. He's a bit eccentric and enjoys having a good time. He is the joker of the group and gravity is alien to him, so there is irony in his words when he is dying.One of the ways Shakespeare presents conflict and violence in act 3:1 is dramatic irony to represent conflict and violence as we know Romeo is married to Juliet while no one else does. This would lead to violence if they found out. Tybalt knew Romeo like Juliet but didn’t know they were now family and starts a fight as usual. One of the lines…
Many of the misfortunes that occur during the play are blamed on fate, chance, coincidence, and luck. The lovers may not have met if it was not for coincidence. An illiterate servant stumbled upon Romeo asking him to read an invitation. "What names the writing person hath here writ. . .I must to the learned" (Iii 42-43). Luckily enough it happened to be an invitation to the Capulet ball. This brought forward the quick dismissal of Rosaline, Romeo's past love interest, and the introduction of Juliet, the "rich jewel" (Iv 45). Romeo's presence at the ball brought up conflict with Tybalt, who quickly recognised him as the enemy. His pride was wounded when his uncle told him that Romeo "shall be endur'd!" (Iv 76). This provoked a duel between the two. "I hate hell, all Montagues and thee" (Ii 65). It was only by chance Mercutio was killed under Romeo's arm. Tybalt had intended to kill Romeo. Romeo didn't want to fight Tybalt as they were now cousins. "(I) love thee better than thou canst devise" (IIIi 66). Mercutio blamed Romeo for coming between them. "Why the dev'l came you between us" (IIIi 98). However Romeo blamed fate for the incidents, declaring "I am fortune's fool" (IIIi 132). Fate was held responsible for both the love and deaths that occurred in Romeo and Juliet.…
His impulsive side had caused quite some havoc. Romeo did not fall in love, yet merely was infatuated with Juliet, as well as Rosaline, “So soon Forsaken? Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes”(2.3.67-68). If Romeo hadn’t acted out on this infatuation towards Juliet then none of the rapid irrational actions of the couple would have occurred. Romeo then marries Juliet the next evening, a few hours later from meeting each other, he asks Friar Laurence who reluctantly accepts, but for other reasons, “That thou consent to marry us today”(2.2.64). Since the marriage was done secretly no-one else besides the Friar, nurse and Balthasar knew about it therefore it caused some problems. For example, Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel, yet Romeo has no intentions in fighting with Tybalt due to them being cousins, “Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee”(3.1.59). Tybalt doesn't know about the marriage so he takes Romeo’s remark as a sarcastic one which fuels his anger, “Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries that thou hast done to me”(3.1.63-64). When Mercutio is slain by Tybalt , Romeo takes it upon himself to avenge his friend’s death and slays Tybalt, but soon realized what he has done, “O, I am fortune’s fool!”(3.1.135). Romeo acted impulsively which leads to his banishment from Verona and breaking any chance of reconcile between the families, “Immediately we do…
He is the Capulet that always angry and like to make trouble. His temper make him just think about get revenge on Romeo and make the bloody fight happens. He make the two families feud become more harsh and harsh that it feel like never end.“ What drown and talk of peace. I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee.” ( Act 1, scene 1, pg 8). He never listen to everyone like in the story that the Friar had say mad men don’t listen to advice. He breaks Romeo and Juliet apart after that bloody fight. Romeo have to live in Mantua and that fact leads to the letter doesn’t arrive to Romeo. The fact that Tybalt can’t control his temper and leads to the death of Romeo and Juliet we can’t not leave…
However, Lord Capulet says that there is no need for a quarrel. This leads to Tybalt being extremely angry, knowing that he is a violent character this is foreboding of the fact that this will torment Tybalt, eat him up in a way &he will want to do something to Romeo to give him pain. The quote, ‘I will withdraw’ foreshadows that a fight will break between Romeo &Tybalt later in the play. However, Shakespeare makes the audience think that Tybalt is going to kill Romeo but in fact later on in the play Romeo kills Tybalt. Romeo shows lack of conflict, even when he discovers that Juliet is a Capulet, it only takes him a few moments to get it in his head then he realises that it is not an issue to him. However, Juliet sees this as the main problem &it takes her longer to realise that it is not an issue. The main conflict in this scene is that both of the lover’s families hate each other and this is the beginning of the ‘Star-crossed’ love that is mentioned in the…
Many factors contribute to the tragic end to one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Shakespeare uses dramatic irony to detail the plotline of the story to the audience, as well as the indiscretion of Romeo’s decision to kill himself due to his oblivion that Juliet was actually alive in the tomb. Shakespeare also uses the literary device of chance versus choice to portray the reckless decisions made by both Romeo and Juliet when they are faced with situations that they could not control, or “chance”. Finally, Shakespeare employs multiple antagonists in the play to influence their decisions to both run away and kill themselves because they knew their love will never be accepted in Verona. Throughout the play, Shakespeare uses various literary…
Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo and started calling him a villain and other things like that. When he was calling him that Romeo didn’t lose his cool or anything, he just stays calm and tells Tybalt he doesn’t want to fight. Tybalt says “No better term than this: thou art a villain.”(3.1.57-63) That is when Tybalt gives his reason he wants to fight Romeo. When Tybalt kills Mercutio that’s when Romeo loses it and that is the reason Juliet faked her death. And after Romeo finds out that’s when he wants to kill himself also. Tybalt had a very big impact on the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.…
Driven by these traits, he acts upon his emotions not logic. At the start of the play he pursues Juliet even though she is the daughter of his family’s enemy; putting his feelings before sense. This impulsiveness is in the middle of the play once he kills Tybalt acting upon his emotions in a passion of hate. ‘Alive in triumph—and Mercutio slain!, Away to heaven, respective lenity, and fire-eyed fury be my conduct now. Now, Tybalt, take the villain back again, that late thou gavest me’ .Reason would have told Romeo that Tybalt would have been slayed in the justice of the law. This impulsiveness then puts him at the end of the play; he banished and Juliet faking death. Once Balthasar reveals Juliet’s death, Romeo immediately thinks upon his emotions once again and is determined to kill himself so that he and Juliet could be together. ‘Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight’ – (Romeo. . Throughout the course of the play his impulsiveness still remains the same and this in turn prevents him from developing as a character. His obsession with love also prevent him from changing. His love for Mercutio that made him fight Tybalt, his love for Juliet that made him want to kill himself. Together the two traits, impulsiveness and obsession with love, tie in together to prevent Romeo from changing as a character and maturing as a…
These deaths that occur appear in, and greatly impact, both the Montague and Capulet families. When Romeo first appears at the Capulet party, Tybalt instantaneously notices him, and becomes quite angry. Tybalt runs to Lord Capulet, to see he can be granted to permission to remove of Romeo. Lord Capulet responds surprisingly well to the news of Romeo arriving at the party. “Content thee gentle coz. Let him alone.” States Capulet in act 1 scene 5. However, Tybalt has a different opinion on what should happen to Romeo. Because of Tybalt’s differing opinion, he later, in act 3 scene 1, finds Romeo and proceeds to throw insults around. Mercutio, Romeo’s best friend, becomes angry at Tybalt for insulting his best friend, and decides to fight with Tybalt. Romeo disagrees with this decision and tries to break up the fight. Mercutio ends up being stabbed by Tybalt, and then out of anger Romeo kills Tybalt. Because all of these characters had differing opinions, lives were lost, leaving long lasting effects on both…
For centuries, the Capulets and the Montagues had loathe each other. These two families hated one another for so long that they don’t remember why and who started it, but they continue to carry on this conflict till modern day. In “Romeo and Juliet,” the ancient grudge has erupted into a new violence which has later cause several deaths between the two families. However, Tybalt has pride and honors it making his hatred for the Montagues strong. The family’s rivalry has effected Tybalt because he wants to fight a Montague every time he came across one which could lead to his sudden death.…
First ,Tybalt, the fiery hot head, has had a tremendous influence on the plays dramatic feel with his short tempered personality and reckless behavior it's no wonder that Tybalt sets off most of the tragic events that occur in the story. Tybalt states "...I will withdraw but that intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, convert to bitter gal" (1015). After Capulet warned Tybalt to not cause any trouble at his party Tybalt, vexed with Capulet for not being as furious as he was about Romeo being at their…
“Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford / No better term than this: thou art a villain” (III.i.57-58) Of this rivalry Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, was the main turbulence as here he is bluntly calling Romeo a villain with no true reasoning other than he bears the name of Montague. This childish name-calling escalates into murder as the result is both Tybalt and a friend of Romeo’s demise. As all deaths are part in Shakespeare’s choreography these rivalry results were not accidental, but purposeful to lead to the lovers’…
I would cry with joy that Romeo is alive, but I should cry tears of grief because Tybalt is dead. My husband, whom Tybalt wanted to kill, is alive. Tybalt, who wanted to kill my husband, is dead. All this is comforting news”(3.2.98-110). Juliet only cared about Romeo and did not care about tybalt at all because she will eventually be able to see Romeo and will never be able to see Tybal again.…