
Ronald Reagan's Essay On Traditionalism

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Ronald Reagan's Essay On Traditionalism
Neoconservatives, libertarians, social conservatives, moderates, and the rest have a favorite quote.
He was a complex man with complex thoughts allowing every ideologue to pick out of context phrase .
Reagan said fusionism to them was a philosophical concept. Known for the principles of freedom and tradition as naturally interrelated in a tendion whose resulting moral force created western civilization and its American offshoot. Reagan concluded that this was mordernly described as conservatism . also argued that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”
Traditionalism was mentioned in the quote but community and family were ignored and a talk about “values and principals” but nothing mentioned about working together
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His first task was to combat the worst recession since the great depression.
He believed that free market and capitalism would solve the nations woes. His policies matched the “greed is good” mood of the 1980s America.
1980-1981 recession
Stagflation which was known as high inflation and low employment….
He cut income taxes from 70% to 28%
He cut corporate taxes from 48% to 34%
Also promised to slow the growth of government spending to deregulate business industries
The economy grew 4.6 percent in 1983, 7.3 percent in 1984, and 4.2 percent in 1985
The congress passed the job training partnership act. It established job training programs for low-income people. The unemployment rate rose up to 10.8 percent by December 1982
Minimum wage an hour was $3.35.

Reagans economic policy
1.reduce the growth of government spending
2.reduce the federal income tax and capital gain taxes
3.reduce government regulation
4.tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation
Early in his first term as president unveiled his “Program for economic recovery”
$41.4 billion cuts in carters budget most to benefit the poor. Regan vowed to maintain the safety net for the poor, the disabled and the

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