Is there any sound more annoying than the whine of a mosquito? Absolutely not, especially on a hot summer day, mosquitoes are the worst creature ever! Summer usually means outdoor BBQs, parties, fireworks and mosquitoes! Summer is meant to be spent outside, but how annoying are those mosquitos? I can hear that high-pitched whine and feel the sting of a mosquito bite. Suddenly realizing that you have 10 red, puffy, itchy bumps on your legs is one of the peskiest thing in the world. …show more content…
Sounds innocuous, right? Not a word about the mosquito’s proboscis, which can furtively slip through your skin. I am highly sensitive to those mosquitoes’ bite, I am extremely allergic to them to the point where getting bitten actually burns. The burning and itching will wake me up out of a deep sleep. That little spot can turn into an itchy sore and the size of spot will become much bigger. Nothing about the itch you feel as your body tries to decompose the chemicals the mosquito injected during the bite. Mosquitoes need blood to survive, they are attracted to human skin and breath. They smell the carbon dioxide gas which all mammals will breathe out, this gas is how mosquitoes know where their prey is. Mosquitoes are attracted to heat, lactic acid, and exhaled carbon dioxide, but there is nothing I can do about …show more content…
The sound of a mosquito can mean trouble in many parts of the world, the bite of a mosquito can be deadly. They are often called one of the most dangerous animals on the planet! Illnesses transmitted by mosquitoes and their ilk kill more than a million people each year and infect more than a billion. By some estimates, over one million people die every year from mosquito-borne illnesses. Malaria is by far the most prevalent of these diseases, infecting between 300 and 500 million people every year and causing over 600,000 deaths. causing debilitating pain, brain damage, blindness, and other serious effects. Not a word about the grave diseases mosquitoes transmit, like West Nile, encephalitis, yellow fever, dengue and malaria. They also spread dangerous diseases such as dengue fever, over one million people worldwide die from these mosquito-borne diseases each year. And here is no vaccine for the fever and no preventive measure to avoid disease carrying mosquitoes. “Small bite, big threat” is the most suitable word to describe dangerous of