The main purpose of root canal treatment is the elimination of microorganism from root canal system (1,2). Microorganisms and their byproducts are regarded as the primary etiological factors of periapical diseases and pulpal necrosis (3,4,5). Microbial reduction obtained by mechanical instrumentation, irrigation, using intracanal medicaments and adequate filling of root canal (6).
Failure of the root canal treatment is the result of persisting microorgansims in the root canal system even in well-treated teeth due to anatomical complexities such as; apical ramifications, dentinal tubules, lateral canals which cannot be cleaned with chemomechanical procedures (7,8). Thus, the usage of root canal sealers with antimicrobial properties …show more content…
All strains were provided by Ondokuz Mayıs University, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Medicine.
Agar diffusion test
The microbiological assays were performed under aseptic conditions inside a class 2 cabinet (Danlaf VFRS 1806, Denmark) previously sterilized. All testing procedures were carried out by a single operator using sterile instruments.
Agar diffusion test (ADT) was used for determination of antimicrobial activities of test materials. The microorganisms inoculated in Brain Heart Infusion (Difco, USA) and incubated for 24 h at 370c. After incubation, the broth cultures were adjusted to 0,5 McFarland by using McFarland densitometer. Then, 100 μl aliquots C.albicans suspension was streaked onto Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (Merek, Darmstadt, ;Germany) and other bacterial suspensions were streaked onto Mueller Hinton Agar (Oxoid, UK).
A total of 20 plates were dried at room temperature for 2 h. Three wells (diameter: 3mm, depth: 3mm) were punched in agar and filled with freshly mixed sealers according to manufacturer’s instructions. The wells were located in order to create safe distance from each other and the egdes to not overlap the inhibiton zones around the wells. The plates contains only microorganism strains were used as positive control and distilled water as negative