
Rosalie Colie's Paradoxia Epidemica

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According to the Random House College Dictionary, a paradox is defined as 1) a

statement or proposition seemingly self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expressing

a possible truth; 2) any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory

nature. Writer Rosalie Colie in "Paradoxia Epidemica" states: "The one element

common to all paradox is their exploitation of the fact of relative or competing value

systems. The paradox is always somehow involved in challenging some orthodoxy.

The paradox is oblique criticism of absolute judgment or absolute convention."

This reading is one of my all time favorites. I've received it numerous times via

email and each time I read it, it makes
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I used to read a book a night. Now, unless I'm

reading for one of my classes, I hardly ever read but I do find time to watch plenty of

junk on the television. I did make a New Year's resolution to start each day off with

prayer. I haven't kept that promise on a daily basis but I do pray much more than

I used too. I pray most mornings but not every morning as I resolved to do.

I believe a large part of the lifestyle we've chosen stems from the fact that we lack

contentment. I once heard a story about a man who overheard his servant remarking in

the kitchen that if she only had five pounds she would be perfectly content. Pondering her

statement he decided he would like to see someone who was perfectly content, so he went

to the woman and told her he had overheard what she'd said in the kitchen, and he wanted

to do something about it. He gave her a five pound note for which she thanked him very

gratefully. He went out the door of the kitchen, and paused there unknown to her, and as

soon as the servant thought he had gone she complained: "Why on earth didn't I ask for

10 pounds"? I believe a lack of contentment is exactly why Carlin writes:

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